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Strategy in uncertain times: what replaces strategic planning?

Strategy in uncertain times: what replaces strategic planning?


  • Delivered Online


The past 4 years have shown that traditional strategic planning is no longer fit for purpose, so how should organisations approach strategy in a time of such uncertainty? 

Are you an organisational leader thinking about how your organisation should 'do strategy' in today's rapidly changing landscape when traditional strategic planning may not be enough to navigate the challenges ahead? How is your organisation considering the future, with all its uncertainties?

This Strategy Insights Masterclass will explore how the approach to strategy is changing, and how organisations are strengthening their strategic capabilities accordingly. We will be including examples from research interviews, and discussing some of the 'building blocks' to consider when developing a more dynamic approach to strategy.

[This Masterclass has been given previously for specific groups, and given the feedback from participants is now being made available for open booking.]

** David Booth has kindly donated a complimentary copy of his book, 'Strategy Journeys - a guide to effective strategic planning' (shortlisted for the CMI Management Book of the Year 2018) to be made available to those attending this Masterclass **
